“Good and Evil are just subjective terms. Without honor, both sides are meaningless.”

Shadow Dragon – Dark Shadows Supreme Leader
Age: Unknown
Name: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Rank: Supreme Leader of the Dark Shadows
“Good and Evil are just subjective terms. Without honor, both sides are meaningless.”
Cunning, ruthless, and battle hardened… nothing phases the perpetually cold demeanor of Shadow Dragon, leader of the Dark Shadows.
His history seems to be an intentional enigma.
What is known is that he wields deadly martial arts weaponry and performs hand to hand combat with effortless grace, yet no one is able to pinpoint the origin of how he mastered all of this so proficiently.
As the enemy of Delta-17, Shadow Dragon employs the mercenary faction known as Retrograd to assist in his objectives. He also maintains an army of Okami robots, and keeps a core group of advisors to oversee his plans.
Toy features:
-Removable cape
-poseable wire in cape
-swords can be stowed in rear shoulder armor.
MSRP $24.99 USD

Jaguar – Enemy Assassin
Age: Unknown
Name: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Rank: unknown
Jaguar is second in command of the Dark Shadows, answering only to Shadow Dragon. He is often referred to as “the Dragon’s cold right hand”.
Jaguar is cruel, cold and calculating.
His identity is unknown – on paper, he does not exist. He has never removed his goggles or face mask, nor has he ever spoken out loud in public. He prefers to whisper over the radio or directly in the ear of Shadow Dragon. He even uses a small handheld telegraph device to send Morse code messages to HQ.
By trade, Jaguar specializes as a hidden assassin, hand to hand combat expert, tracker, and has parkour skills that would put the most fleet-footed athletes to shame.
Specializing in CQB warfare and armed with dual baton-swords as well as a sniper rifle, he is a high level threat to Delta-17. He is Shadow Dragon’s most effective and dependable living weapon.
MSRP $24.99 USD

Okami – Enemy Robot Ninjas
The ”Okami” (Japanese for “wolf” or “wolves”) are a seemingly limitless army of robot-ninja warriors built in Shadow Dragon’s secret hidden factory/base.
The Okami robots are unlike anything seen so far. They are extremely fast, light, agile and have no fear of personal injury. They can leap up to ten feet in the air, throw knives from their chest bandolier with precision, and engage multiple enemies with ease.
The antenna on their heads is where they receive commands from Shadow Dragon or another unit leader. The Okami are equipped with both night vision and thermal optics.
Toy features:
-Both hands on the Okami can be removed and replaced with smaller hand-swords or a sub-machine gun.
-Equipped with a two-part backpack that can stow all gear, including the swappable hands.
-Backpack can be used in the “light attack mode”, stowing only the two long swords and gun, OR it can be used in the “full carry mode”, where both backpack parts are attached and loaded up with all the accessories.
MSRP $24.99 USD